What is the role of "double wrist strap" for mother and baby? Maternity wristband color in

日期:2022-09-08 15:11:54

  For pregnant women——

  Here, the different colors of wristbands represent different risk levels, so that we can easily and quickly distinguish the situation of different mothers, and avoid accidents in childbirth to the greatest extent, which is also one of the proofs of postpartum care and observation.

  For newborns——

  Because the information of the handwritten wristband is easy to lose and blur, the printed medical wristband will be used. The information of the mother and the baby is corresponding. The baby wristband will write the birth weight, gender, bed number, mother's name, etc.

  At this time, the wrist strap is the most obvious identification of the baby, and the material is waterproof, even if it is used to bathe the baby. It can not only facilitate the nursing of newborn babies by medical staff, but also avoid being wrongly held, lost and other situations to the greatest extent. Don't take them off in a hurry.

  The maternal mortality rate in China is 23/100000, and the safety of delivery cannot be ignored

  According to the statistics of the World Health Organization, about 830 women die every day due to complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

  In China, the maternal mortality rate is 23 per 100000, that is, one in every 4000 pregnant women dies.

  Even now, with highly developed medical technology, it is still a "death gate" for women to have children.

  In order to improve the safety of female delivery, respond quickly and deal with it in a timely manner, many women and infants hospitals will implement the "five color" wrist strap management for pregnant women. Different colors correspond to different risk levels, so that doctors can quickly distinguish and take measures.

  What do the different colors of the wristbands worn by the lying in women mean? Maternity wristband color indicates the risk level

  Usually, the wristbands worn by pregnant women after hospitalization are green, which is a "good omen". What are the meanings of other colors?

  1) Purple - infectious disease

  This color of wrist strap is extremely rare. If a pregnant woman carries an infectious disease, she will wear a purple wrist strap to reduce the risk of hospital infection and is likely to terminate pregnancy.

  Generally speaking, there will be many "confirmation items" when pregnant women are admitted to the hospital for inspection. If these expectant mothers with "danger signals" are found at that time, they will be timely and properly arranged. Few of them are "suddenly infected" when giving birth to a baby, so we need not worry too much.

  2) Red - high risk

  The parturient wearing a red wristband indicates that the risk level of pregnancy is extremely high. Continuing pregnancy does not rule out life-threatening situations, and doctors need to pay attention to them at all times.

  3) Orange - higher risk

  Orange indicates that expectant mothers are at high risk of pregnancy, such as those who are older and have already entered the ranks of older mothers, or who have severe pregnancy syndrome themselves, and need to be "strictly monitored" by medical staff.

  4) Yellow - lower risk

  The yellow wrist strap represents a lower risk level. If the doctor finds that the parturient has some syndrome since pregnancy through reading the information and asking, or the primipara is too old or too young, he will use the yellow wrist strap to mark it to remind the doctor.

  5) Green - low risk

  Green is a "pass" in a broad sense, which means that pregnant women are in good condition and meet the delivery conditions. Most of them have no "opportunity" to see wristbands of other colors. But even if it is green, it is still a concept of "low risk" within the scope of medicine, which is not foolproof. This requires the close cooperation of doctors, midwives and mothers. Come on!

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