What are the common medical supplies in daily life

日期:2022-09-08 15:11:54

  Precise medical equipment is not necessary for families to prepare or use. However, some commonly used medical products in daily life are very cost-effective and have a great opportunity to use. Therefore, you can consider purchasing them.

  1. Thermometer

  The thermometer is an essential tool to judge the degree of illness of a family member. It may be inaccurate to measure forehead temperature, but mercury thermometers and ear temperature guns are generally quite accurate if they are used correctly. It should be noted that for infants, it is better not to use mercury thermometers, but to use electronic ones.

  2. Sphygmomanometer

  If the elderly at home have cardiovascular problems, a sphygmomanometer is necessary. At present, "electronic" and "mercury" sphygmomanometers are more common. Although mercury sphygmomanometer is more accurate, it may be difficult to operate. In addition, if the electronic sphygmomanometer that has passed the test can be used correctly, it is also quite accurate, and you can make a choice according to the needs of use.

  3. Pencil flashlight

  It is mainly used to look at deep wounds, or problems such as eyes, throat and external auditory canal; Sometimes it can also be used to check the size of the pupil and the reflection of light. If someone at home has received professional medical training, the effect will be better.

  4. Instruments for treating wounds or bandages

  Such as tweezers, bandage scissors, etc. The scissors used to cut gauze bandages are "blunt" and will not hurt the skin. If you use ordinary scissors instead, you may need to pay attention to their use. Tweezers can be used to clip out foreign objects and other purposes. In families, select the blunt ones as much as possible to avoid further injury caused by improper operation.

  5. Sterile gauze

  To cover the wound; It is usually packaged without bacteria and can be divided into many sizes. Two inch square gauze is often used. Larger gauze can be used for large wounds or burns.

  6. Bandage

  The main purpose of bandage is to fix gauze and other dressings on the wound. Bandages are available in various widths and can be purchased according to actual use. Sometimes it is more convenient to use the "mesh belt" for injuries to limbs or fingers, of course, the price is also more expensive. There are also "elastic bandages" that can be used to pressurize injured limbs and prevent edema, which can be used with the doctor's advice.

  7. Tape

  It is used to fix the dressing or bandage, such as the common 3M paper tape. In addition, there are desensitization tapes on the market. The ingredients will not cause allergy, and of course the price will be more expensive. Some people can use this tape when they have itchy skin or rash when they use it for a long time.

  8. Cotton swab

  It is used to apply disinfectant to the wound. In the past, most people used tweezers to hold cotton balls to soak in disinfectant, which was inconvenient to use at home, and it was not easy to meet the requirements of bacteria free operation. The general cotton swab is very short and not bacteria free. It can be used for cleaning, but it is not suitable for wound treatment. Some small packaged, sterilized long cotton swabs are convenient to use.

  9. OK

  It seems very ordinary, but it is very convenient for small wounds. It combines the functions of gauze, bandage and paper glue to make a small OK bandage.

  10. Alcohol cotton flake

  It is used to disinfect skin or instruments. The traditional method is to use tweezers to dip cotton balls into medicinal alcohol, which is not only inconvenient but also easy to have doubts about safety. Now there is a small package of alcohol cotton chips that is easier to use.

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